Where Coaches Thrive

We build software to help coaches be their best professional selves.
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Our Mission

We started Resonant to do right by coaches. We believe that coaches are generous, insightful, and smart people who do profound work for others. We found that too often the business side of things gets in the way. Clunky tools, complicated workflows involving many different products, and manual/repeated work all get in the way of coaches utilizing their skills to the fullest. We set out to change that.

Our hope is for coaches to feel like they can build the coaching business that they want, with technology that supports them, instead of getting in the way.

Our Values

We build software that empowers coaches to do their best work in alignment with their values. These are the values we hold in everything we create.

Supporting coaches where they are

Whether you’re just starting out, are running something big, or are doing this part-time, we have your back. Resonant works just as well with two clients, as it does with 50. We’re here to support you, whatever stage you’re in.

Security is key

Coaches work with highly sensitive data, and we take protecting your data very seriously. Resonant was architected from the beginning with a strong privacy security foundation, and is regularly tested and audited by some of the best in the industry.

Make it joyful

We've built a platform that supports your boundaries and wellbeing, and creates joyful experiences for you and your clients. From enforcing boundaries for you, to celebrating milestones with you, we care about you as a person and a coach.
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Our Story

Katherine and Chris Burchhardt started Resonant with a vision to better serve the coaching industry using modern technology. While growing her own coaching business, Katherine faced these issues firsthand. Through her work mentoring coaches in training and certification, she had the privilege of hearing their hopes and dreams for the impact of their work, and saw how technology was a limiting factor. Katherine and Chris got to work. A few weeks later, Chris released the first alpha version of Resonant.

Our team has grown since then, but this mission is still our core. We’ve built Resonant specifically for coaches, and are driven by building features that are impactful. We love getting feature requests and engaging with our community.

Silicon Valley for Coaches

We bring the technical expertise of tech startups to the world of coaching. Our technical co-founder, Chris, is used to leading teams that rapidly produce high quality software that’s designed to solve specific problems, both for power users and less-technical people. We’re also used to working with highly sensitive data - Chris spent almost a year behind an airlock in Switzerland writing software that processes banking data - and that was just one project.

We’ve brought these expectations to Resonant: whether it’s security, site speed, uptime, resilience and more, we hold ourselves to a very high standard. Further, we design our software to be simple, elegant, and intuitive to use from day one, and powerful enough to support coaching businesses of all sizes.
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What's in a name?

Resonant is both a coaching word and a concept in physics. In physics, resonance happens when an external wave or vibration causes an object to vibrate as well, amplifying it. It’s a bit like when you push someone on a swing at just the right moment: they go higher and higher with less effort. And that’s what coaches do. In coaching, resonance is the aliveness that’s felt when living in alignment with one's values.

Our founders chose it to describe what they set out to build: a product that brings alignment, ease, and flow to you, your clients, and your coaching business.

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